Saturday, October 14, 2006


golden retriever report

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If you read or hear about how some breeds of dogs don't shed, you can discount it. Every dog sheds - some more than others - but they all shed.

So why then do some dogs appear not to shed while others shed so much you could weave a thick blanket out of the discarded fur? The answer lies in the growth rate of the hair, which is based on genetics, nutrition and environment.

Shedding is the process by which old hair naturally falls out and new fur begins to grow in its place. The new fur does not "push out" the old fur. Since hair growth and loss is a continual cycle, there is no true starting point.

When dogs run free in the wild, they brush up against bushes, trees and other flora. This action removes old hair naturally. Our house pets need brushing to accomplish this same goal and to prevent large amounts of hair from accumulating in the coat. But brushing is also good for your dog. It not only decreases the amount of hair on your clothes and furniture; it also stimulates the blood supply to the skin. And brushing your dog's hair helps to prevent skin parasites, such as mites, fleas and ticks, from infesting your pet and your home and keeps unsightly and sometimes painful mats from forming.

Once the individual old hair has been removed, new fur can form.

Shedding in dogs is influenced by the amount of time spent in the sunlight and by temperature fluctuations. Outdoor dogs usually shed their thick undercoat in the spring to prepare for warmer weather.

Indoor dogs shed all year long but in smaller amounts, since they are exposed to a more constant temperature and consistent light source.

A dog's shedding cycle may also change as the pet ages or becomes ill.

Some female dogs shed more hair than usual after they have been in heat. This usually occurs around 3 to 4 years of age, if at all. Some breeders refer to this as "blowing their coat."

Puppies' coats are usually fuzzy with short, downy hair. In some breeds this hair may not change to the adult coat until the age of 5 months. The best time to begin grooming is when your pet is still a puppy. By spending a few minutes every day gently brushing your puppy, you are creating a close, trusting bond. Eventually, your dog may look forward to this time every day.

Adequate grooming, proper diet and exercise all contribute to a shiny, healthy-looking coat and a happy pet. If your dog appears to be losing a large amount of fur and/or if the coat is dull and dry, see some of the solutions below.


TREAT THE UNDERLYING PROBLEM. If your pet is scratching, then the possibilities include allergies, fleas, lice or mange. (Mange is relatively uncommon.)

PARASITES. First, rule out fleas or lice by treating for them.

MANGE. If the scratching is intense, then mange in your dog could be a possibility. Visit your veterinarian and have her check for the mange mite. She can rule this out by giving your pet a topical medication called Revolution.

ALLERGIES. If the scratching continues, then your pet probably has an allergy. Rule out food allergies with an elimination diet. (See the FOOD ALLERGY AND SENSITIVITY section.)

A FUNGUS AMONG US. Ringworm is more common in cats. If your cat has a bald area that appears slightly red but not itchy, then treat for ringworm.

HYPOTHYROID. Thyroid disease is more difficult to diagnose, but if your dog has some of the signs of hypothyroidism such as sluggishness, weight gain and fur loss, then visit your veterinarian for a thyroid test.

DIET. Improve the quality of your pet's diet and you will likely see less shedding. In particular, ensure that the diet contains adequate essential fatty acids. Your pet will have happier hair that falls out less frequently.

SUPPLEMENTS. Add additional fatty acids to the diet. For your cat, salmon oil at 250mg daily works well. Dogs respond well to ground flax at 1 tsp per cup of dog food.

THE BRUSH OFF. Brush your pet daily. Purchase a grooming brush that works well with your pet's coat; the staff at a pet supply store should be able to help you.

COMB AFTER BATHING. The bath will loosen the hair that's about to fall out.

CONDITIONER. Use a conditioner after a shampoo. It will make your pet's coat easier to brush.

COOL DOWN. Some pets will shed more in a warm house. Try keeping your house at a cooler temperature, especially in the spring during the big shed.

Grooming Tips

Brush short-coated dogs two to three times per week whether they have smooth or rough hair. You can use a hound glove (a grooming glove with wire bristles in the palm) with medium-soft bristles. Gently brush in the direction of hair growth (with the grain).

Medium-coated dogs like golden retrievers require a slightly firmer bristle brush. Be sure to brush the feathering (longer hair) on the chest and legs, too. Again brush with the grain of the hair.

Long-coated dogs, such as Yorkshire terriers and Afghan hounds, require a soft, long-bristle brush and wide-tooth comb and should be brushed daily. Grasp a handful of hair and gently brush from the skin outward, paying special attention to mats. Severe mats can only be removed by careful shaving, which should only be done by your veterinarian or a professional groomer. Combing afterward can help smooth the coat.

Dogs with double coats, such as Alaskan malamutes and Pomeranians, require a stiff long-bristle or wire brush. These breeds have a thicker undercoat that can get trapped in the outer coat during shedding. Brush with the grain of the hair at least two to three times weekly. Daily brushing is recommended during the shedding period.

Carder or slicker brushes are also useful. These consist of a small, flat board with multiple, fine wire teeth on one side and a short handle. They are especially useful with mats. You may need to experiment with several types of brushes before you find the one that is best for your dog.

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